
Showing posts from October, 2019

Global Warming

Global Warming Global warming is a huge problem that we have to deal with and there are a lot of things that contribute to it getting worse. One of these problems is greenhouse gases more specifically methane gas. While methane gas does not have as many long term effects such as carbon dioxide, however it absorbs heat much more effectively. For example, in the first two decades after the release of methane gas, it was 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Now we need to know where the methane gas is coming from. The gas comes from both manmade and natural sources, the manmade source is from the oil and gas industry and the natural source is from things like cows. In the past measures have been taken to reduce the emission of methane gas from the oil and gas industry, but there is not a lot we can do to stop the natural component. A portion of the natural component comes from natural water sources like wetlands and freshwater systems as well as things that deal with agricultu...


Weightlessness          There are a lot of miss conceptions about the concept of weightlessness. When most people think of weightlessness they think that you actually are weightless and that you are not feeling the effects of anything like gravity. However, this idea is wrong and you cannot actually be weightless because there is always gravity acting upon you. The only way that you could possibly be weightless is if you were infinitely far from the surface of the earth but as we all know that is not possible.  If you were to experience weightlessness like an astronaut that would only occur if there is an absence of any contact forces on the body. To further explain this concept we can use Newton's 3rd law. Newton's 3rd law states that every action has an opposite reaction. In our case gravity is the action and the opposite reaction is what we call normal force.                         ...

Infinity War

Super Heroes          Infinity war is one of the many superhero movies where the powers or creations that the superheroes use go against Newton's laws of physics. There are many scenes in the movie where Newton's laws are clearly violated but you might not pay much attention to if you were just watching the movie normally.          The first scene that comes to mind is when Bruce Banner is in Iron Mans suit that he used to take on the Hulk. In this scene Bruce is running out in the field and doing jumps and all sorts of movements but the ground under him is not affected at all. This goes against Newton's third law that states for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If the scene actually followed this law the ground that is under Bruce as he is running and jumping would be completely destroyed, but in the movie the ground is entirely unharmed and there is not even as much as a footprint left behind. ...